Thursday, November 05, 2015

Yellowcard and New Found Glory - Revolution Live, Fort Lauderdale FL 10/14/15

Written/Photo by Robin Ervolina
Lines forming at noon for a show starting at 7:00 are unusual in the October heat of south Florida, but not when the co-headliners Yellowcard and New Found Glory come to town. People drove from states over, flew in from states further away, and both bands rewarded their fans with an energetic show. Yellowcard took the stage first and thrilled the audience which was packed so tightly there was no way to move about the floor or the surrounding areas. It's not uncommon for Revolution to draw a crowd, but this sell-out crowd may have been more capacity than the floor can normally handle. By the time New Found Glory took stage fans were frenzied and the entire floor turned into a massive pit, complete with crowd surfers, in spite of the venue's strict policy prohibiting these activities. Having attended more than a few events at this venue, I can say I've never seen a crowd this fired up which I credit to two bands with a great catalogue of songs and a true love for their fans, evidenced by their long sets and frequent interaction with the audience. NFG even pulled one fan on stage after noticing he had been singing every word of each song over the first half of their set. They let him request a song that he wanted to hear but had never had the opportunity to see performed live, and invited him to stay on stage and sing along. The entire atmosphere created by both Yellowcard and NFG was one of family coming together to celebrate years of memories and music. As a photographer I wholeheartedly thank Yellowcard for the beautiful lighting, and ask that New Found Glory perhaps take a page from their co-headliners in future shows. As a fan of both bands, I couldn't have asked for more. This was hours of sing-a-long, thrash-along, surf-along, rock-and-roll ear candy. The years of successful music making have only made them better, much to the audience's and this writer's delight.
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