Thursday, March 22, 2018

blessthefall: Hard Feelings

[caption id="attachment_38206" align="aligncenter" width="595"]blessthefall: Hard Feelings blessthefall: Hard Feelings[/caption]

blessthefall: Hard Feelings

Written by Robin Ervolina


I typed that in case someone thought these were my final thoughts on the new blessthefall CD "Hard Feelings." They're not, of course. What women ever has a final thought? Last words, yes. Final thought? Never. These notes were my first thoughts, meant to capture my impressions as I prepared my review. What they ended up capturing was the moment I fell in love with the metalcore outfit from AZ. Do I want these to be my last words, no Sir. However, if "Hard Feelings" was the last thing I heard before I died, that would bless my fall into the unknown.
blessthefall has been in the metalcore scene for nine years and have released five full-length albums in that time. Where have I been? No clue, but they've been around and back again. "Hard Feelings" will be their first release after signing with Rise Records. Sorry you can't hear it until tomorrow, but here's what you have to look forward to.

Everything about the intro says "This is going to be epic," and it is. 

The first song "Wishful Sinking" comes in hot. Everything about the intro says "This is going to be epic," and it is. Beau Bokan's vocals are the perfect combination of sweet and painful. There is a desperate yearning to everything he releases from those gods-blessed pipes. Second track "Find Yourself" finds me falling harder for his tone and delivery. As cringe-worthy as this next statement will be, I'm going to let it ride. If Jonny Craig and Ronnie Radke had a threesome with the late Chester Bennington, Beau Bokan would be their baby. Yes, I know that's not how procreation works. No, I won't take it back. His voice is killer. I cannot stress this enough.
The second song "Find Yourself" is equally gorgeous, and just when I think I've nailed down their sound, "Melodramatic" shakes it up a little. It's got a rapid fire rhythm any punk fan can love, and the lyrics preach.
I need the anger / need the rage / I need the worst things you can say / If you wanted a war, I guess you got what you came for
I guess you could say that's pretty melodramatic, and the screaming vocals in the bridge just drive that home. It's not formulaic, but it's right on time. It's slam dance / mosh pit perfection.

Close your eyes and tell me it doesn't take you somewhere

"Feeling Low" takes me high. The irony in this is delicious. Close your eyes and tell me it doesn't take you somewhere. Bokan swoops into the melancholic melody with emotion and desperation, then ascends with power and desperation. The lyrics swallow you whole.
Is this all that we are / a stitch that pulled apart / You told me I was your best mistake, that you would take it to the grave / I don't know where to start (so tell me) / are we taking this way too far / (please tell me) I'm not a shot in the dark / Before you go tell me I'm worth dying for / all the things you were promising / give it up put it all on me / lose your grip and now it's out of reach / don't believe in what you cannot see / all the things you will never know / it keeps me, keeps me feeling low
"Cutthroat" lets loose of the tightly woven tunes. Ladies and Gentlemen, please clear your floor of fears and make room for a shit storm of emotional upheaval. Pit in your stomach? No, circle pit in your psyche. In  "I'm Over Being Under(rated)" the siren Bokan sings "Please tell me somebody's up there, and why I'm even singing at all." Hold up, hold up, Bokan. I'm a let you finish, but I'm answering that question first: you're singing because your voice is a gift. We graciously accept it, and we humbly thank you. All the range, all the emotion ... thank you for taking your scars and making them beautiful.

All the feels

Another highlight for me is "Sleepless in Phoenix" which has all the feels. The intro is the saddest lullaby melody and the lyrics (don't you love it when tunes and words move you equally?) beg quoting. Please note that I'm not sure if Bokan is saying "You've got me right where you want me" or "right where you haunt me" but for the love of god, isn't that deliciously beautiful?
Just remember to forget me / I hate this honestly / please take this the wrong way / don't need you to need me / I need you to disappear / cuz I carry ghosts of the things you said / but you won't come home even if you're dead / night after night Sleepless in Phoenix / tell me a lie / make me believe it / you've got me right where you want [haunt?] me / you've got me right where you haunt [want?] me

Wait for it ...

There isn't a weak tune in the entirety of "Hard Feelings." Without recapping the full CD (which I would, oh trust me I've plenty to say) I will leave you with this. Closing track "Welcome Home" is so Falling In Reverse meets Green Day I can't stand it. I can't. And the end? Just wait for it.
I'm in love with this blessthefall, in case you didn't pick up on that yet. I firmly believe my playlist and theirs are the same. All my favorite singers and tunes are channeled and repurposed in this soaring, lovely CD. This is a powerhouse quintet with perfectly constructed tunes, deeply relatable lyrics, and an angelic vocalist. "Hard Feelings" drops March 23rd, 2018. You're on standby. Get ready to be blessed. 

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