Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Fronz and Ronnie Radke Twitter War

[caption id="attachment_37619" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Fronz and Ronnie Radke Twitter War[/caption]
Written by Robin Ervolina
The bad boys of hardcore are at it again. Attila's frontman Fronz and Falling in Reverse's lead Ronnie Radke embarked on a little Twitter war, and as much as we hate to watch mommy and daddy fight, we'll recap it for you here. 

It seems to have started two days ago (5/12) with this tweet from Fronz:

Ronnie dug up an old beef in reply, and Fronz was quick on the come back. 

Let's back up in case you're unaware of the history and "Callout" reference. I brought in Baltimore photojournalist Tiffany A. Mitchell for the Fronz v. Radke 101.
So, Attila made this song called "Callout" and it’s a dis song. He called out Jonny Craig for scamming people out of money by offering to sell them MacBooks which they never got. Then Fronz calls out Ronnie Radke saying “Even Ronnie Radke talks shit in my Instagram, give me your address so i can hit u with a mic stand." Attila just released a new Callout song where he disses Jeffrey Star, Danny Worsnop, Logan Paul and Harvey Weinstein and the singer of Emmure. But not Ronnie.
Okay, now that we're caught up, let's not let this little gem of a tweet get lost. Buried in the comments of the above post regarding "Callout" is this:

Okay, so where were we? Oh yeah, that was two days ago. But then a tweet from Fronz today lit a spark:

I am living proof that you can DO WHATEVER you want, SAY WHATEVER you want, and still become successful. Moral of the story- Be yourself & keep it real. The fakes never make it.

To which Ronnie Radke replied:

Didn't you sue a sushi restaurant?

Fronz sets the record straight with a twist of lime:

No, I sued the company that produced the bad tuna, the settlement was minimal though. In today's terms that settlement would be about 0.5% of my net worth. Nice Google search, though. 

Ronnie replies with eloquence as is his wont to do.

Suck my fuck.

And Fronz waxes poetic as well, complete with eggplant and other suggestive emojis. 

I already did. 

Ronnie ends this (we hope?) with a batch of LMAO emojis. 

So far the boys have moved to separate corners. I love 'em bad, but not at each others' beautiful tattooed throats.

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